BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — At long last, Jim Humble’s Miracle Mineral Supplement, otherwise known as MMS, is surfacing, introduced to a much larger segment of the population, thanks to the FDA. However, thanks to the FDA, the first perception of the “miracle” product that this new and impressionable audience is receiving, is one of a poison, like an angel in skull and crossbones. So this coming out party is anything but a celebration, more like a boil that has just erupted.
By this carefully orchestrated act of behind the scenes manipulation, the public is being led to believe that MMS is a threat to their health instead of the very beneficial and effective chemical that it actually is.
I believe we should celebrate anyway, because the FDA has done everything in its power to (1) ignore, (2) observe and monitor, (3) weigh the genuine results that the public IS experiencing, and (4) go on assault to stem the tide by using a vendor – who has credibility in regarding MMS – to taint more public first perceptions toward its disfavor.
This was the best they could come up with, and it’s not going to work. MMS is not going away. Just my opinion, but I feel pretty good about it.
Truth cannot be suppressed. It is out, and it will outlast the deception and smear.
The very thing that the FDA fears (and you can bet that they, and the pharmaceutical firms whose interests and methods they protect, do fear it), they’re going to get in spades.
The public is not afraid of taking “strong medicine,” but they are sick and tired (if not dead) from taking medicine that maims or kills the host while leaving the microbes and parasites en tact.
Under the most extreme psychological duress designed to induce actions that appear voluntary so that their specious charges don’t have to withstand the burden of truth in court, the FDA has coerced PGL International into instituting a voluntary recall of MMS.
Like a string of dominos, other MMS sellers are being affected. Some will buckle, some will be unbowed.
The agency’s approach in pursuing a sham “voluntary recall” of MMS is reminiscent of Nazi Germany during the days of the Third Reich.
Such is the tumultuous gestation period and birth of MMS. My bet is that this is the beginning of its wide acceptance and therapeutic use, not the end.
With all due thanks to the FDA.
On the other hand, this may be the beginning of the end of the FDA as we presently know it, because its bias has been showing for quite some time, its objectivity is nonexistent because its priorities are skewed. It is not seeking to protect the health of people. My opinion is based on results that I see. Instead of openness to discovery and a commitment to improving health and healing, from wherever it comes, they are willing to make prisoners out of innocent people, and allow outmoded and unconscionable methods continue to represent the Standard of Medical Care.
The FDA protects the wealth and market shares, methods and madness of corporations and institutions that inhibit human health and prevent healing. If it’s evident to this city boy from Chicago, will be clear to the masses.
“The agency’s approach in pursuing a sham “voluntary recall” of MMS is reminiscent of Nazi Germany during the days of the Third Reich.”
This statement is typical of the mainstream understanding of history which is as close to the truth as the winners of war would allow. This is not a criticism of Adam’s wonderful article and work on MMS.
The reality is that the Nazis were 50-60 years ahead of the West in their understanding of natural cures and health. Read Robert N. Proctor’s book called “The Nazi War on Cancer” to get a better understanding of the real history.
Hi David,
I believe you when you say the Nazis were ahead in their understanding of nature’s cures and health. Hitler secured the efforts of Viktor Schauberger, albeit involuntarily, to develop some amazing technologies that were powered by water when fuel supplies were cut off by the Allies.
My reference to the Nazis and the FDA are more related to their “storm trooper” tactics, and the assumption of GUILT with no INTEREST in the merits of the product in question, and NO sense that the truth of their claims may ALSO have to be proven, at which point the holes will become blatant. This is no way to run a public agency. They haven’t put anyone in jail or killed anyone in this go around. They’d be considered “kinder and gentler” Nazis. But the arrogance and depraved indifference to human life is still there… just look at all the people who die each year — each day… each moment — from products approved and protected by the FDA… or on their watch. Then look at what they are STILL trying to suppress discredit before it receives wide acclaim for what it actually IS.
Best wishes,
I agree 100%. That’s why I said, “as we know it.” It’s not that I’m suggesting that the FDA should be abolished, but the tactics, policies, and methods that currently appear to be running full speed, must be re-examined. That won’t happen with the current revolving door relationship between the FDA and Pharmaceutical companies.
People have the right to choose what their medicine or food will NOT be too. That goes to the chlorination and fluoridation policies, which may not be an FDA specific subject, but it’s still on the table.
The FDA is indeed trying to dictate what is, or is not available to the public without a fair, equitable, and impartial examination process.
The availability of MMS, DMSO, and other natural, beneficial chemical compounds, should not be hampered simply because they would put a long list of pharmaceuticals out of commission. But then, when that’s your bread and butter, you protect it, irrespective of its ineffectiveness.
It’s time to put that story to bed.
Beginning of the end of the FDA? I would like to see the FDA become controlled by impartial open hearted humans who’s first priority is healing, cure and regeneration of our health and that of the ecosystem, not lizards who think of profits and population control.
We have had a significant salmonella outbreak this week in the US requiring the recall of some 2 million eggs. Now if the FDA was really awake and aware this salmonella episode would not have occured because chickens would be raised in truly healthy environments, free range, organic, with disease checks periodically and MMS in their water supply routinely!
The concept of an FDA is not of issue with me but they need a paradigm shift in consciousness and they need rules to keep them from being associated with corporations in any manner what so ever.
There is much an organization like the FDA could do to help the general population remain safe from corporate pollution in the food and drug manufacturing and delivery systems for the masses. But since they are in cahoots with corporations we will continue to see disease and poisoning amongst FDA approved systems, food process, drugs and medical equipment and procedures.
I feel that all people have the right to choose what their medicine and food will be. But on the other hand all people have the right to be well informed on all the choices out there and to choose whatever they feel is in the best interest for their health and healing, FDA approved or not.
What most people do not understand is that the term “side effects” related fo drugs actually means toxic posioning symptoms. If they understood this and it was expressed in the correct terminology instead of the white washed term “side effects” they would be a lot less inclined to use drugs.
We clearly know that the nausea and diarrhea that MMS may cause is a detox reaction, not poisoning. My son, at the age of 21,who is extremely healthy, took his first dose of MMS when I wasn’t around to guide him. He took 20 activated drops and it didn’t even phase him and he did it more than once. Now I don’t recommend this for anyone but it shows that if health is there there is no reaction of nausea and diarrhea.
We must all work diligently in this information war that it has become. Only through education and training by those who know the truth will MMS attain its rightful place as a medicianl agent.
Dam the FDA and full steam ahead.